Drying Grain v1.0


I present drought grain heated stove straw.

For proper operation, the building needs Animation Map Trigger
Download: http://vertexdezign.net/downloads/4

In the middle of the instructions to add the drying grain to the map (in Polish)
Drying is added by the Giants Editora

What it has:
- Animated elements
- Opened the oven door and turn on the system
- The unique sounds of opening and start-up of the furnace
- A system imitating the burning of straw bale
- In the building you can sell grain

- Read the document textowy fashion
- Keep it that I am the author
- Please you very much for this not to change the link

My FanPage other models and mods


Model: vnsfdg2
Texture: vnsfdg2
Idea / Concept: vnsfdg2
Testing: vnsfdg2, Z&Q , Rolnik410

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