Elchland v2.1


Hi LS-friends.
I introduce you to my Elchland V2.1 map for the LS-15.
This is the new Elchland map. !!!!!
The map is kept completely flat.
All original functions are available.
Furthermore, I have installed the Wassermod, cattle and Schweinemastmod.
There are also new outlets butcher's, Pension, private brewery, Gulli crap Purchase, pulp mill and all original outlets.
Still a lot of decoration are on the Map objects for example installed. Yard, zoo, basketball court, playground child, Workshop, pub and much more .... let us surprise you;-)

Built Mods:
WasserMod-of Marhu.
AnimationmapTrigger-of Xseno.
Pigs and Rinderzuchtmod-of Marhu.
Many Thanks.

Benotige Mods:
KroneBigL500-order FIHE with food to Versorgen.-Giants software.
HW CATTLE (v1.0) -from TSL.mngruzy
Animationmaptrigger-of Xento.
Kotte_Garant_SlurryTanker-by Andy1978
Many Thanks.
PS: Some bugs are fixed.
The PDA display customized.
Login clean.
I wish you much fun on my Elchland map.
Your Fritz55. !!!!


Ich bedanke mich bei allen Moddern und Skriptern für die Tollen Objekte die ich in der Map verbaut habe.
Ich bedanke mich hiermit auch ncoh bei den Testern die, die Map getestet haben.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Fritz 55

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