Extended Camera Rotation v1.0


today I want to introduce you to my Extended Camera rotation script available. The script allows the tilt angle (z-axis) of the player-camera, so the camera that you use when you are traveling on foot to change. Using it you can eg. For screenshots or video recordings. The mod was originally created for a user, but to you of course not remain contained. ;)

To activate you must be on foot
(De-) activate via the numpad key 8 (button in the Options umlegbar)
To rotate left Numpad 7 press (in the Options umlegbar)
Go right NUMAD turn 9 press (in the Options umlegbar)
Is the mod activated "Extended Camera rotation active" appears below the Help Text
At this point is also a big thanks to fruktor, who helped me over the GDN at a basic question.
The mod can be found neither in unchanged or in modified form on other sites without my permission to download!
It's not allowed to publish this mod on other sites without my permission!
Il ne est pas permis de publier ce mod sur d'autres sites sans ma permission!
Never wolno publikowa? th mod na innych stronach bez mojej Zgody!
Have fun and nice Easter. ;)
mfg Silas770



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