I bring a tool (cot) Livestock for trucks and trailer can transport ITRunner using cattle from the farm to the outlets of your favorite map, the ability of cattle can move it;
pig = 41 young_pig = 100 beef = 50 young_beef = 50 cow = 8 cow2 = 8 young_cow2 = 8 chicken = 80 Chicken2 = 80 young_chicken2 = 80 sheep = 16 sheep2 = 16 lamb = 52 young_lamb = 52 ostrich = 14 young_ostrich = 14 goose = pony young_goose 80 = 80 = 11 = 11 rabbit young_pony young_rabbit = 80 = 80 = 16 horse young_horse = 28
the door open and the tent is placed and removed
needs washable
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