Great Western Farms is my first map. It is a American Style map based on a farm in Central Kansas and features Chopped Straw, Marhu's Water Mod, Multifruit, Dirt and Terrain, Damage Mod, Hardpoint, and more! It also contains most of the fun stuff Farmer Andy made including the MixMaster2, the Seedmaster, the Potato Washer and Steamer, Greanhouses, Composting, the BeetMaster2, and so on.
Version 2.2
Added belts and cover to feed storage area.
Fixed collision on several objects.
Corrected issue with pigs and beef not showing up in the store.
Adjusted triggers in feed storage area.
Added a few signs around map.
There is beef fatening on the map, the starting vehicles have been upgraded and the starting money is way higher than most maps. You have chickens, cows, and pigs as well.
Thanks to all the modders out there for the models and scripts they make. This project would not be possible without them.
A huge THANK YOU goes out to Stevie at Farm Simulator Mods for all his help and advice on this map as well. The map started with his starter map and he really helped with some of the more technical stuff.

1 Downloads in
8 years ago

Hi.. Downloaded Map (okaY) Set in ( Map only in directory ) Map loaded (Okay ) At first key stroke ( key "M" 0r key "tab" ) Game locks up, ( steady rotation of picture ) required a re-boot. Doing another download of map to re-try. Bob.
Hi...Disregard first comment, wrong Map Bob.
Hi...Checked out the new download of the farm, and still will not take Milk at one (1) of the three (3) input points at the Dairy. ( no one else see or have reported this problem ) Also no new signs , Dairy has none on the outputs Bob.
Hey Donnie.... I now how to add traffic, I don't know that I want it on the map. As for the mixfeeder, I assume you mean the MIxMasters (of which there are two on he map), they are in the cow area and the fattening farm area. Thanks for the comments.
I think Donnie was talking about the GEA auto mix feeders which a nice if u have the time to install them where they work 100 %
Freezes at loading screen. I suspect a conflict with some other mod(s), but I use too many to try to isolate them to find what's conflicting. This is typical of all of Stevie's maps that I've tried.
This is like 2 or 3 times I've seen you post the same stupid comment go troll some where else. Remove some mods if you want to play them hell Stevie didn't even do this map he helped with it is all. You even say you suspect that's the issue so why say anything. Just stop breathing your to stupid to think.
the traffic will make the map like real life because you already got damage and repair mod people that don't want to use the traffic they can turn it off and yes I'm talking about gea mix feeder thanks
@Donnie &L and c gaming:
... "the traffic will make the map like real life because you already got damage and repair mod people that don't want to use the traffic they can turn it off and yes I'm talking about gea mix feeder thanks" .....--> That will be a very nice update...!
@Donnie &L and c gaming:.....--> That will be a very nice update...!
... "Traffic and GEA mix feeder will make the map a lot better! ...I hope it will come soon, thanks anyway.
Question guys.... the Beetmaster still will not work correctly. Loaded it with water and beets, but still will not make anything useful... have I done something wrong ? Also the Case tractor in the shed is stuck inside, anyway to open the doors???
needs more mud can you add that are can you make that a placeable mod
run the map but there are still bugs.
Triggers points do not work right at the dairy, first milk silo or brewer, needs a grate on ramp to dump (more real) .
Can not load pigs.
Can not load some trucks or trailers at silo main farm.
It would be nice in these big maps to have pallet collectors and sell point on all production products, like the wool collector. It would give more time when your busy farming.
In the future, I hope all liquid tanks have hose connecters. If you have trucks and trailers with hoses, use them.
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