Green Efficiency Edition Mod Pack v1.0


Description for Green Efficiency Edition Pack:

It is in this pack to revised original model from LS15 which are with me on the farm in continuous use and on my game
(Only play with the mouse and keyboard and converted Bjorn Holm map) were matched.

For all the skin was changed and matched and run at the moment all the LS15 standard scripts (no longer listed separately)

As has been placed at the tuning and alterations highest importance to quality, the purchase price but the maintenance is slightly higher than original, but lower.

It was pretty much turned on all cog until I was happy with it. I make an effort if not to overdo it, that ye eg
the Lambo still no 500to with 70 km / h perpendicular wall can pull.

Frontmower Green Efficiency Edition: (Original: Kuhn FC 3525 F)

-Hubhöhe Increased by hitting Silo facilitate
-Mähtrigger Minimally widened
increased -Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit to 25km / h

Backmower Green Efficiency Edition: (Original: Kuhn FC 10030)

increased -Creating / Zuklappanimation speed
-Left And right side flaps no longer the same rate
increased -Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit to 25km / h

Mex5R (Maishäcksler) Green Efficiency Edition: (Original: Pöttinger MEX5)

scaled -10cm wide
-RUL's installed
adapted -Häckseltrigger new width (takes 1-2 series more than original)
increased -Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit to 17km / h

Wagon Green Efficiency Edition: (Original: Bergmann Carex 38S)

-Volume Increased to 58000 liters
increased income
installed -Lateral marker lights
built -Rückfahrschenwerfer
reduced steering angle of 2nd axis dramatically, it directs 1st axis in opposite directions with
-Felgenfarbe Buying selectable !!! WARNING !!! ONLY Rim color selectable, skin does not change
drive offset -PickUpTrigger widening, it is now about half swath
increased -Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit to 25km / h
-Fülltypen Extended to feed, compound feed and silage -Abkippgeschwindigkeit increased by 50%

Tractor Green Efficiency Edition: (Original: Lamborghini Mach 230 VRT)

-Maximum Travel speed is 70km / H
-ca. 280 hp
-Drive Revised (differentials and torque)
revised brakes
-Felgenfarbe Buying selectable !!! WARNING !!! ONLY Rim color selectable, skin does not change.
revised -Interior
amended -Scheibentönung from blue to black
-RUL Reworked slightly
-3te Kamara perspective incorporated (mowing and Häckselkamera) -Fuel Capacity increased, reduced consumption

This mod may not be offered on other sites to download. For this, only the original download link may be used.
This mod may be processed without the express permission of Rastaman2911 NOT and / or republished. All violations are reported and removed.
This mod can be presented on other websites. You need to use the original download link.
This mod Should not be edited and reuploaded without permission from Rastaman2911. All reuploads will be reported and deleted!

Thanks to BigBaerBlue for test, stimulate, criticize ...
LG Rasta

!!! PS Please unzip the downloaded folder and copy the folders contained in the Modsfolder !!!


Modell: Giants
Textur: Giants + Rastaman2911
Script: orginal LS15
Idee / Konzept: Rastaman2911
Tester: BigBaerBlue

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