GYROBROYEUR Quivogne v1.0


Voici un GYROBROYEUR de marque qui vous sera très utile quivogne pour broyer par exemple vos bord de champ ou encore of parcelle d'herbe.
Here is a mark of GYROBROYEUR quivogne whichwill be very useful for you to crush For Example your edge of field or quiet plot of land of grass.
So quivogne a brand gyratory crusher, which you will be very useful, for example, to crush their board or field, grass plot.


Model 3D: alexandre4555 ( Ls ModTeam France ) Texture: alexandre4555 ( Ls ModTeam France ) Script : Seb864 ( Ls ModTeam France )

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Commented on 2015-10-30 21:38:09

I've needed a mower like this, I appreciate the time you took to make this. could the script for not dropping grass be implemented into more mods? I'm looking for a big mower ( such as a Woods Batwing Mower) with this script. Thank you again

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53


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