This map is called Hagenstedt revised V2.
All the trees in the map can now be chopped down.
The fields 14 15 and 16 are now combined in one big field
Updated port and freight yard these look a lot better also add new short cut road to freight yard
You may now grow your own seed on the farm instead of buying them?
saw mill is next to farm and the lettuce production works as well
Updated the feed stable it now does not have doors
The map is a remake of the defult map from 2013 version updated for FS15
The map includes the default animals as well as pigs and cattle which are all in the cow field area.
building have had a texture change,they are in the form of the old white shade.
new buildings feed stable with conveyors on farm,Fermenting silo,firtilizer station for 5 different types.
production in map is the lettuce in town center
production for compost in the freight yard
production for milk in the dairy
map includes mixstation , water for cows and sheep, wool pallet collector.
No golf course instead we have a rather large field and small lumber yard.
the map as got chopped straw mod and guell kalk mods built in?
mods you will need to play this are as follow
Vehicle mods built in to the map are the Amazone ZGB-10200 for firtilizer
bergmann Carex38S bigger load capacity 100000 litre
newHolland CR1090 bigger tank capacity 30000 litre
Horsch maestro 20SW seeder for all fruits
Fliegl ASS 298 trailer bigger load capacity 100000 litre
- 3 Downloads in
9 years ago
Love the map, but I can't get the doors on the pigs and cattle to open..I have all door triggers installed already. And no bad mods in my logs???
CASEIHMAN38 have got got any other maps in your mods folder if so remove them also look in your save game careerSavegame for (if this number is above 64 then the pigs/cattle will not)
Where is the 64 in the save game, I can not seem to find it. I am thinking I will have to remove the doors (it the editor) and see if that will work.
Would the pigs still work if the doors were removed? Just wondering.
This map brings back old memories. Good job and thank you for remaking it.
One question: How do you refill the fertilizers? I tried both liquid and solid and they dont seem to work.
Nice and good job.
Just one question : Have you a map of your map? Such as pdf file, ... with description.
tato mapa je super až na malé detaily je perfektní nemá chybu ten kdo ju vymyslel tak si musel dát dost záležet nebo má nějakou představu o farmaření.
for some reason when i open the map all it says game is being loaded.. please wait. and its been like that for about 10 minutes
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