Hard Workin


author: theWOODMan
Map: Hard workin
I wanted to create a map that was geared more toward large tractors and equipment. I also tried to use a more logical layout without random barns scattered about and where livestock was located closer to the main farm. I also wanted the ability to put the plow to more good use other than just joining fields.

All default game play, so no mods needed ( no custom missions either, sorry ).
A total of 12 fields are available, but field 1 ( at farm ) is the only one that's ready to reap. All other fields will have to be purchased, cleared of trees and stumps, plowed, tilled, then sown ( that's why this map is called "Hard Workin" ).
Collectable Gold Coins.
AI Pedestrian and Car traffic
Custom models and textures ( and some hidden goodies ).
Perfect for working with large tractors and equipment.
Good for those who like working at night.
Gentle hills and level areas for placeables and custom arrangement.

All default sell points:
Grain, wheat, corn, rape, logs, eggs, wool, wood chips, potatoes, sugar beats.
All standard locations
Store, Warehouse, Freight Yard, Lumberyard, BGA, BHP, Garden Center, Diner, Restaurant.
A more modern, medium sized town to cruise in.
Note: The straw sell point is the small shed located next to the cow stable just in front of the milk robot.
Special thanks to johnny vee for testing.
Copyright: theWOODman 2015
Feel free to modify as you see fit for your own personal use, but do not use any custom models, textures, or map in part or in whole in any other mods or maps to be uploaded and distributed.
Do not upload this map to any other websites for distribution, I'll handle that.


theWOODMan, Giants Software team

Similar modifications

Commented on 2015-05-09 20:14:45

The map is good...but you can do a version with the fields ready for agricultural machines??

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Commented on 2015-05-09 22:38:37

The map is great!

Go make them fields by yourself :D

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Commented on 2015-05-10 01:56:12

Nice map

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Commented on 2015-05-11 04:58:36

great map. my new favorite!!!!! could use feed storage

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Commented on 2015-05-14 00:48:29

y a t'il mods chopperstraw et guellemist mod

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Commented on 2015-05-26 04:22:18

gran mapa quisiera ver mapas de mexico o españa gracias

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Commented on 2015-06-07 18:14:03

Excelent map!!
this is the one ive been looking for since fs15 came out.


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