Helpfull Muotiplayer Scripts v1.0


found, optimized, for more fun

upsideDown, fozzy691, DjiZon, webalizer, Decker, Monax Company, Blacky_BPG, gotchTOM, Yannik and many more, thanks all


upsideDown, fozzy691, DjiZon, webalizer, Decker, Monax Company, Blacky_BPG, gotchTOM, Yannik and many more, thanks all

Similar modifications

Commented on 2016-09-10 03:45:41

This is a request for a script/mod. The mod/script would give the player the ability to sleep in a bed to skip night time. It would be cool to see the inside of the house of the main farms. It should have rooms including a bedroom where one can sleep, or even in a pile of hay or something similar. Does this make any sense?

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