This is the final version of the map. Made a few changes and added a few things.
I did not update the PDA map. Thanks to all that downloaded the map.
There are a lot of places for placeables to make the map more to your liking with your placeable mods.
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- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
One other change I made that did not get put in this version is... I moved the sell place for the compost_soil back to the compost machine and added compost_soil at the BioMas Heating Plant that pays a little bit more then the sell place of the compost_soil sell place. Now I can dump wood chips and compost_soil at the BioMas Heating Plant. Not hard to do these changes if you know how to use Giants Editor? I wish I would have done this before I uploaded the map because I do like it this way bette
It bothered me I found some stuff that Needed changed or repaired, So I made the changes or repairs. The ground is not level for the silo's at the home farm so I fixed it, And you now can dump manure and silage at the BGA But Stinky's pays a better price for your manure. And I moved the compost_soil sell place back to the compost machine and you can now dump compost_soil at the BIOMASS Heating Plant along with woodchips.
Here is the link for the repaired version...
I tried downloading this map since I am from Iowa n all but when I put it on my mod folder and loaded the game, it wasn't in there..
iowa dosent have a forest....
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