This mod is in homage to the people killed in the attack gold charlie weekly in France . The French understand and hopefully others too . thank you not to remove this mod please .
I hope the author of this mod will be understanding. thank you in advance.

1 Downloads in
10 years ago

Merci pour eux.
Je ne télécharge pas, mais j'apprécie et ça me touche. Merci
I don't download it, but i enjoy and that touch me. Thanks
f*ck up !!!
merci pour eux
Solidarity against religious terrorism!! Stand strong France, DO NOT give in to the terrorism. DO NOT let them control your speech and press!!
this is really cool
good job
merci pour cet hommage !!!!!vive la liberté d expression esperons que tous ses fanatique finisse en enfer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vive la liberté d'expression !
Extremiste à la con
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