Reversing camera (Del.)
Switchable front weight (key 6)
Switchable wheel weights (key 5) only in versions with dual tires
fold-marker lights (key 9)
Fan in the interior (NUM key 9)
Light, rear work light, brake light (standard)
Indicators, hazard lights (Bel. 3.1)
Drilling tires can be activated (M key) only in versions with dual tires
animated Heckhydraulik
articulated steering
Lateral tilt compensation for uneven floors installed (see pictures)
powerShaftattacher (it can use the previous PTO, as well as the original PTO will attachert)
Indoor sound
Digital Tacho & RPM display
Display & Monitor illuminated
- 1 Downloads in
9 years ago
Tractors are not for FS15. None of the moddesc or anything has been changed to make them work in FS15
I love when you guys just post anything that drops. THIS is a FS 13 mod not a FS 15 mod which you would have known if you downloaded it and tested it rather than wasteing peoples time. You guys do this all the time e.g. the class overloader mod... Thanks for the trouble.
even when converted properly, it freezes the game....don't bother!
Converting a mod from FS2013 to FS15 is NOT just a matter of converting the dam modDesc.xml file, except maybe for the MapDoorTrigger mod. For models such as these, they might show up in FS15, but you'll most likely have tons of errors and game crashes.
I like this site, most of the time, but they do tend to have tons of crap mods that don't work properly, or don't work at all. Maybe they all thought converting the modDesc.xml file by changing the 13 to 21 was good enough. :o)
I was so excited when I seen this mod,
Then so sad when I read the comments.... :(
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