Kernstadt 2015 edition Alf v1.0


So this is my very first map that I have built, because she was playing so well in the 13-ies.
On the map there are only standard fruits Ls 15th

Are installed
Large food warehouse with conveyor belts at the court (1984Fendt936)
Slurry storage on the farm (Andy1978)
Stockbreeding equipment Pig Beef Huehnerzucht (Marhu)
Gueterbahnhof with moving train, (Giants)
Saegewerksbahnhof by train, (Giants)
Country trade,
Bio mass work,
large halls for shelter from vehicles (Dutch Agricultural Modelling)
above the village of Schlachter (Credit Seba j)
the forest enterprise with sawmill. (Credit Marhu)
atze1978 - road kit V1
frisco0177 - feed stores
mailman - pole Pack V 1.0.0
anke to Mach1 - Andy.

PS: I know it reads anyway no one but I write here anyway:
The map is playable, although not everything is as I wanted it, but it's my 1 Map I've built.The Map returned error with Chicken store image, but it works anyway.
And !!! That shit like I forbid the Map elsewhere hochzuzladen etc. will save me here and now, because it adheres eh none !!!!
If the map would improve someone and would like to get permission to do so can feel free to contact via Modhoster or send message to me.!!!



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