Kotte Garant Profi VQ 32000 v1.0


MSS Multi Steering System
All hydraulic hoses, manure animated hoses and cables
Drophose or Kotte Güllegrubber usable
adjustable drawbar
Fully animated filler with function
An.- and lowerable Sprizgestänge
Section control in 4 different. Stages with automatic Sprühanpassung
Fully Animated SmartControl functions
Fully Animated manure joystick functions
Tires go on the field with dirt and full on the road again clean
RDS tire pressure control system with display and real tire pressure adjustment
Lift axle with automatic
Fully animated axes
Animated ads manometer
helper mode
and more


Modell: Bayerbua
Textur: Bayerbua
Idee / Konzept: Bayeruba
Script: Zusammenfassung aller Geräte von Bayerbua

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