Kroger protection Trailer v1.5


So the really last mod from us this year 2015th

What has been done:
- Adapted lighting and Blitzer
- Range tinkering indicator
- Scripts run now in multiplayer
- Texture from scratch
- Dirt on it and all washable
- Texture of tires is of Ahran / Bavaria Modding
- Tested in single and multiplayer

If there tail section is set up can you abkubbeln there it continues to flash but ATTENTION, Do not park on slopes as it tilts backwards because of the weight.


Kompletter Aufbau = Micha und MTL Modding Team / Textur Räder: Ahran von Bavaria Modding

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Commented on 2016-01-02 02:29:49

can you change arrow to face either way ?

what key is it

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