Krone BiG M500 Wide Single Windrow v1


Here is the Krone BiG M 500 Wide, with single windrow drop. I changed the drop areas for the outer mower decks so they drop in the middle with the rest. Now you can pull a loading wagon behind this machine and collect all the grass at once! And yes, it does actually drop more into the windrow when you have the extensions out... Not realistic, I know, but handy!

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Commented on 2016-01-26 23:27:32

great mower, I love the idea of the extensions merging the windrow into the middle windrow, however only one tiny issue with it, it skips tiny patches of grass along the way while mowing, not really enough to go back for a 2nd cut to get the missed patches, but I take a 2nd pass to get them.

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Commented on 2016-01-28 01:45:29

Guest - coloca video do trator seu porra

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Commented on 2017-09-12 14:15:40

L does not work

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