Lakeside USA v3.0 Damage Mod Ready


Welcome to Lakeside USA V3, 806mb zip pckage.

Version 3.0 Damage Mod Ready.
Compost has new textures, fillplanes and particles on everything. You now have to transport wheat, barley or maize to the salad factory to supply the seedmaster2k16. Seeds2 must be made for the salad greenhouses first now as the seed bins only accept seeds2. Kevink98's charcoal works has been added to the south sawmill lot. The new watermod and water spray troughs have been added to the map. Damage mod added and new ground and foliage textures added. PDA map and economy updated. BeetPulp machine display fixed, uneven ground added to the farm access which will cause damage if driven over to fast..

Lakeside USA.
The map features 1 large farm centrally located by the large lake, the map is soil mod ready.

Multifruit, chopped straw, small medium and large fields, large forestry area, full custom PDA map, Embedded particles and fill planes for all map fruits, full modular storage for all fruits, V3 custom BGA sunken tip point with trailer support and takes many fruits and manures and pays plus adds to liquid manure, large custom animal zones, watermod, manual gates, compost master, large placeable areas, Marhu sawmill and scripts, clean log, custom multifruit files, Animal fattening Chickens, Pigs, Beefs, Sheep, Rabbits sold at petshop and Geese. Seedmaster 2016's, Beetpulp master, Pig Forage master, Mixstation, and much more to keep you very busy and make money in Lakeside USA. The map is course play tested and all trees can be cut with either the Ponsee or chainsaw. Have fun.
Thanks to Jim E, Randy H and Malcolm C for help testing.
Special thanks to all of the modmakers who make the superb map mods installed in Lakeside.
Special Thanks to Marhu, Farmer_Andy, RC_Devil and IFKonator.


Map design and creation, Stevie, Custom models, textures and testing Luke_BK and Stevie. Installed mods, textures and scripts by: Farmer_Andy, Marhu, KevinK98, spieler11, Blacky_BPG RC_Devil, Robbie FS_UK, Eisbearg, Stevie, Upsidedown, Decker_MMIV, tater salad, Ifkonator, Dundee98, Kastor, KimG, Vertex_Design, Dorset and Webalizer.

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Commented on 2016-03-10 03:58:38

is this based on Bjornholm map?

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