This is a mower mod pack that I made. I created the all models other than the 48″ stander and the wheels I also got scripts and stuff from the fs15 proffihopper. This pack includes a 72″ Exmark LazerZ, 72″ Exmark LazerZ with bagger, 48″ Exmark Stander, and a 52″ Walker T30i. These mods are still in very early beta.

1 Downloads in
9 years ago

some one messed up the fuel usage up, cant make it 15 feet without running out of fuel, other than that it seems to be a nice mod.......who ever made it
KRAZY>>> Please learn how to spell before making comments. 2nd off Please just let it go. Why troll this website if you don't like it? I see where you download all the time but you make smart ass comments on here. This is your last warning!!!!!!!!
I didn't have a problem with my fuel when I released the mod and i mowed today with them and didn't even get under half a tank so.
This guy knows the rules of his mod, but next time he should keep his mods private and for you guys convincing about stealing mods being stolen.. should think twice cause the download shouldn't even be on the website... just share a pic if its private. it isn't stolen if it was released onto a website to download. but yeah I've seen things on this site exactly alike and it's time to get along.
''Have a nice day not a ugly one''
was soll das vido
hi cant get it to work downloaded put in to mods , but nothing in my mods in the game . any ideas pls
Right it does not work!
i cant get the mod to work i put it in folder and got nothing.
first things first, to get this pack to work, you have to unzip it... second, I can't seem to fuel he walk-behind up, now I'm not sure if it has to do with the small tank, of that I've only used 2 liters, but still does not show the fuel up icon at a fuel pump...
third, nice mod
The Walker doesn't work, or show-up in the log, yes there is some kind of error in this mod
it not working
The mod doesn't work when you just paste it into the folder, you have to extract it into the folder, idk why, it used to work as a modpack.
Can You convert this to fs15
Excellent mod! Show great promise! It's nice to see other riding mowers besides the Amazone Profihopper! Just a few things: 1) mowers don't leave grass clippings unless you disable grass pick-up on the bagger models, and 2) baggers need unloading animation.
if krazy was a true fs community player he would be proud his friends mod is being shared maybe they shouldn't take credit but other ppl enjoy the mod who cares if he posted it it gets it out there more downloads means more fun
you did not say that the mod wood have a virus
you did not say that the mod wood have a virus
Can you make a pack for fs22 please
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