Hello LS Com.
Version 2.0 SP Plough Funktion
It took a long, and LS15 was yesterday. LS is today rewritten.
Before I start, I want to express 1000 thanks to Mogli. Without him it would have been all impossible. 100derte of hours and 10,000 more gray hairs here depend on your page inside that you have to cut only from the ribs. Thank you.
Thanks also to all other scripters for your wonderful scripts and introduced time. If I forgot someone in the credits please send PN.
We want RESPECT for our work. Therefore applies:
The mod may not be modified and new uploaded!
It is also given permission for release!
Who can not respect, too lazy to be read or a translation program to use, they have to expect consequences. Tor is also from yesterday.
But now let´s start.
The following mods I uploaded and develop their full extent only in combination with the XerionSaddleTrac 3800. So the best you start with the XerionSaddleTrac 3800.
Changes Untergrundpacker:
V 1.0 no Funktion
V 2.0 with Cultivator Funktion
V 3.0 with Plough Funktion
01. XerionSaddleTrac 3800
02. Feldbinder Güllezubringer
03. Gülle Andockstation
04. KotteGarantProfi VQ 32000
05. Kotte Güllegrubber
06. Garant Gülleaufsatzbehälter XST 15000
07. Kotte Garant Befüller
08. Holaras Silageschild
09. KawecoPremium X73S
10. Lemken Untergrundpacker
11. Lemken Zirkon 10 Kreiselegge
12. Lemken Solitair 10 CL Saataufsatzbehälter
13. Lemken Solitair 600 CL Sähmaschine
14.Lemken Maisdrille
15. Gewichte Spender für XerionSaddleTrac
I would like to address only SP player. The mods are absolute heavyweights. Whoever has no corresponding thereto computer, should let the mods there where they are.
Next I recommend everyone to open a new map, to take all other mods from the game and will be trying times with the devices deal. Since my mods scripts will only grow so certainly a problem arise with other mods. So bring the old mods step by step back and test it.
The following mods should be installed:
DriveControl von upsidedown https://www.modhoster.com/mods/drivecontrol
GPS von upsidedown https://www.modhoster.com/mods/gps
FahrsiloExtension von upsidedown https://www.modhoster.com/mods/fahrsiloextension--2
Questions and problems are dealt with exclusively in the wip-place, so that the other users can benefit from it
As always, there are no stupid questions but there is a Knigge (etiquette) for answers. Help you one another with respect.
Load up Photos and Videos. Thank you.
And now have fun exploring and gambling.
Your Bayerbua
Lemken Untergrundpacker
l For the front-mounting on the Xerion Saddle Trac 3800
l Animated hydraulic hoses and cables
l No function since Culivator is built into the power harrow
A PDF with a detailed description and photos can be downloaded.
- 1 Downloads in
8 years ago
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