Manure SW 100 v1.0


Hello LS community,
We hereby ask you to Güllegrubber sw 100 before based on the basic model of giant.
He has a Grubberbreite of 10 meters and is thus ideally suited for larger fields.
This modification is washable, log text clean, tested and MP Dediserver.
I am fully aware that some will say that the cultivator is unreal and far too wide, but I was the Standardgrubber too small for larger areas.
This modification I made in my spare time for the community, not like wems please click on, saves time and unnecessary Kommi's.
Since I put this modification freely available, this may remodeled, newly uploaded and elsewhere offered.
So, now have fun
greeting Susi


Modell: gigant
Textur: Susi 28
Script: gigant
Idee / Konzept: Susi 28 und wingi
Tester: Wingi/Susi 28

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