MaxiMap Overlay v1.0.x


Take a look at the screenshots for a much better description of what this mod can do.
In addition to showing the fruit-types and growth-states of crops in the maximized world-map, this mod also allows you to customize the colors of fruits and growth-states.
Please note: Only when on foot (i.e. not driving a vehicle), the mouse-cursor becomes available to allow selecting and editing the colors.

Default keys
9 = Game's default for zooming world-map (remember to enable the map in the ESC-screen's 2nd page)
0 = Toggles through the MaxiMap Overlay's pages (only when world-map is maximized)
mouse-cursor = Only available when on foot, to select and edit colors & visibility

Problems or bugs?
If you encounter problems or bugs using the 'MaxiMapOverlay' mod, please use the support-thread at - Find the mod (and correct version) in the mods section, in category 'Other - Game Scripts'.

These mod files MaxiMapOverlay.ZIP and AAA_ModsSettings.ZIP MUST NEVER be embedded in any other mod. - However it is accepted if they are included in a mod-pack, when the mods original hash-values are kept intact.
Please do NOT upload this mod to any other hosting site - I can do that myself, when needed!
Keep the original download link!


Script: Decker_MMIV

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