MAZ Truck + Trailer v1.0


Maximum speed of 88 km/h. The choice of color, dirty everything except the rubber wheels on the trailer, a native sound, qualitative physics, leave traces, dust from under the wheels, lock the drawbar, tidy watch the amount of cargo, mirrors, lighting fixtures, there are small schools but the log is clean, carries 30 000 tonnes.
Tuning keypad. NUM8
Raise your body keypad. X
Tilt keypad. N
Transports: feed, wheat, rape, silage, corn, barley, chaff, grass, potatoes, sugar beets, sunflowers, sand, gravel, manure, concrete, wood chips, grass roll roll roll wheat, barley, fertilizer, flour, sugar, cement, coal, corn starch, wheat flour, wood.
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3d model / Textures: Dmitry Saharchuk (Diman 163)
IN GAME: Michael Petrenko (kto-totutzdes)

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