Midwest Grain and Livestock v2


Since some douche bag kicked me out of his little but fucker group i would figure that I should release one of his mods for you guys to enjoy.


Fuct'd Modding

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Commented on 2016-09-20 10:57:24

i wish you can make it rar file and zip file and use modhub site instead of mediafire

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Commented on 2016-09-20 14:17:39

really PISSED OFF, using the quality of this map as a judge we would be better off if you DIDN'T do anything anymore.

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Commented on 2016-09-20 22:30:16

Who cares? seriously. This map is the definition of an average map. There's nothing on it that makes you say 'Wow." Same old objects and concept of all the other American themed maps. Good grief people chill out the new FS is coming out in a month and everyone will forget about their cool little elite groups like they never existed.

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Commented on 2016-09-21 00:56:53

Ya'll know what the best part of this farming game is???? Ya'lls comments!!! Lmao

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Commented on 2016-09-21 02:17:53

Citing the already obvious...is anyone having a prob with this map...such as it wont let me purchase any seeders...including the ones that come with the game...

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

cant even buy a sower wtf

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Commented on 2016-09-21 05:05:00

I have another version of this map (with permission from the original creator) and it is the best map I have used to date with no errors and lag free. Both in single player and multiplayer. It's a shame this map was released this way, because the originator had every intention of releasing a quality map. I don't blame him if he keeps all future projects private or moves on completely. Great job Mr. Uploader you really stuck it to Jeremiah.

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Commented on 2016-09-21 14:00:35

Evidently it was junk to begin with...too bad...even the wannabes cant put out anything good!!!!

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Commented on 2016-09-21 14:03:42

Funny too how " Oh the modder was gonna release this but not now" bullshit happens right after their shit gets released....their was never any intention for this map to be released to anyone except the fuctards that hang with this guy!!!!...Give us a break!!!

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Commented on 2016-09-22 00:01:47

debra you stole this map from my friend. all because you didnt like what mods we were making. if you want an f250 go make one and quit badgering people to make one for you now delete this.

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Commented on 2016-09-22 00:03:04

debra you stole this map from my friend. all because you didnt like what mods we were making. if you want an f250 go make one and quit badgering people to make one for you now delete this. by the way this was not finished he was just in the begging and wanted to see it worked

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Commented on 2016-09-22 06:26:38

The butthurt is real

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

I like the map but it needs some fixes. Hope to see a V2 in the not to distant future.

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Commented on 2016-09-23 15:26:05

For those who care, this map has the SeedMaster mod and requires you to harvest first and take some of your wheat/corn/soybeans to the Mycogen plant to product seed. The Mycogen Plant is at the northern map's edge. @ ME this map was never a Fuct'd Modding map. I just love how everyone assumes shit or think they know everything when they don't.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Very cool map. Where do you buy young animals though so I can manually haul them to the proper barn? Thanks

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

what goes in the meridian bin at the farm suurounded by corn field?
it dosent accept any crops.
like "hawkeye" suggested
do I have to sell it to mycogen to get seed back?

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Greg, That is what I am thinking, wait for Mycogen produce seed and then transport it to your farms. My problem is finding a trailer to accept the seed Mycogen produces, anyone have any ideas?

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

love it

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