I converted the Four Acre Farms 13 to Missouri River Bottoms USA 15. It has horse, turkey, pig, and beef. It has the cows, sheep, and chicken of Giants. The map has 3 towns, 5 trains, airport and heliocopters and planes. It has no traffic. The fruits are: wheat, rape, barley, maize, potato, sugarbeet, cotton soybean, oat, sunflower, sorghum, sudangrass, corn2, blackberry, blackbean, blackeyePea, sugarcane(New), rye, peanut, alfalfa, and clover. I have also added sugar, molasses, cornSyrup, and molassesMeal. It has lot of places to dump. You have 5 farms the main farm is where you start, it is in the middle of the map. I have added 2 sawmills and to places that have trees for you cut. I hope you will like the map.
- 2 Downloads in
8 years ago
Doesn't work. Game won't get past loading screen. It sounds like this map takes a lot of custom mods from the description, but the download doesn't include them and the description doesn't tell which specific mods are needed.
the Map Error Error Error is not good
Map no Funktion sry
??? pleace Modpack from Fruits ??? Thank you
Straw plane on cowsheet flight on the air OMG
Beautiful map! Did you mean to make it so you can't use any placeables?
Mod Pack has been uploaded to this site If you not able to add the extra fruits to mods, you need to wait for the mod pack.
Mod Pack has been uploaded to this site If you not able to add the extra fruits to mods, you need to wait for the mod pack. This is a beta map.
where r the blue things to buy all the fields
Ever heard of Map and Modpack you heard Brush
Awesome looking map. Have enjoyed your work for years. Thank you very much.
hey ur going to have to make the map where people can buy the fields other then that it is a good map
has anyone else had problems planting all the fields let me know if u where able to plant them all because i had problems trying to plant them all
you trolls.....reread the name of the map.....this is in a BETA stage
show some damn repect........your lucky jb3pc4sale is releasing his map!
he did a good job on the map its just u cant plant nothing on the fields he made it where no one can buy the fields
use Bank of hagenstedt to buy feilds
I'm working on the errors and will be uploaded a updated map. Just hang in there.
If you have a complaint try be a adult in your reply so I can address the problem. You know you don't have to use profanity to be heard.
Just need to set the fields so they are buyable, so we can sow them and work them. Other than that its good to go as far as I am concerned. The haters sure do talk a lot about a map they "hate" made by a person they "hate." If its so horrible then get out of the comment section and dont download the map, seriously just move on if you have nothing to add.
hey jb when do u think it will be up and running i like the map
Fine job Man...and if you need... I got a bat waiting for the ignorant stupid asses... :p
I think its awesome that you converted this map...my favorite for fs13....i'll can wait for you to fix it....other people can too...whether they think they can or not...
i am waiting
Fine job Man...and if you need... I got a bat waiting for the ignorant stupid asses... :p
Love to get a bat a hold of some of these punk ass kids..?? The jerk who commented is pissed because I stopped doing edits for the worthless punk... :p I love it :*
Some little butt hurt needs to grow up, just cause JB3PC4Sale has made a beautiful ya'll don't need to go hatin on him, But JB3, I got one question, where is the mixing plant thats already in the map?
JB3 when do u think ur going to reless the new map
great job great map, pleace more more more thank you
working on the problems soon
Hello, thanks for this big map, but, where r the blue things to buy all the fields ?
Patience is a virtue, you should exercise it.
lthe map but i cant buy the feilds where i can plant them
hey danny jb3 is working on it so people can buy the fields
this map really is screwed up
hey does anyone have a idea when the new map jb3 is working on going to be posted back up
Terry, he said for sure that the new map will be uploaded tonight. Like supper time, then you can download it, everything will be fixed. I know he's been saying he "didn't want to piss Terry off" cuz he hates when you get pissed off. He''s doing this for you, Terry, he admires you.
JB3...Should this map have a "universal kit"installed, as the Map does have Factories. I drove through the "Molasses Factory, but I did not get any"display menu" showing up. Looks as if the "UPK Kit" is missing. Also Map for me is not Shutting down properly, May be mod conflict, I will check further. Bob.
JB3.... Took all my Mods out and started map, loads okay, Do a shutdown. Shutdown works as it should do. Added in ONE mod (starting letter "A". Loaded the map in again, Okay, Did a shutdown, same problem, hard to shutdown. ( I nave to save game first, Click "back", now hit "ESC key, now hit "shutdown" and then hit "shutdown,,,no save" mow hit "quit 2 times, game now shuts down okay).... Bob.
okay other terry when is the map goin to be up and running it is 10:01 pm
my time and no map up yet
Bob(wires); UPK is a global mod, you would NEVER add this to a map. It exists as a global mod that's in the client (ie YOUR) mod folder. Only callbacks would be added to a map. Also, there many different types of "factory" scripts, not just the UPK variety. Another thing of note, some people use a direct3d renderer, making this map unusable in its current form. Rare that I see this issue... I think this map is along way away from going live, some parts need a total re-do.
Terry; I think it's going to take some time before you see an update to this map, there's a lot of work to be done, I don't think it's something that JB3PC4SALE can give you a time frame on, unfortunately. Being that a modder has a real life to live, it could be weeks or even months before another version gets released.
okay thanks tmwnn
where you can buy the field
lena jb3 is working on the map it will be fixed right when it gets up back up
lena jb3 is working on the map it will be fixed right when it gets up back up
it might be a week or month before the new verison gets released
Soybean, this crop will plant, but will not grow, looks to be no file for it, in the Foliage Directory. Bob.
It would be of some help to "course play if the Trains were Invisible. Bob>
hey has anyone heard when jb3 going to have the map up and going and has is it coming along with the problems
hey jb3 do u know when ur map u made will be ready and up and running for everyone to play on
hey jb3 how is the map coming and when do u think it will be ready for everyone to play on it
Some crops grows as suppose to soybeans plants and grows to maturity and is able to be harvested but doesn't show plant growth in field, Grimme maxtron 620 multifruit needs to be converted so all crops can be harvested on this map. please email that update has been uploaded.
Great looking map JB. Keep up the good work. And for all the upset people, the map is very playable as is with Bank of Hagenstadt. Yes, there are some things that need to be improved, but he's working on it. Try giving him some suggestions or bug reports instead of just telling him how bad it is. It clearly say "beta" in the title, so expecting it to be perfect is a bit silly. And if you already know you don't like his maps, why the blazes did you download it then?
this map more much errors from filtype crops and no loading for LUA not enough memory, my pc is i7 6700k, gtx 970 strix 4GB and 16GB RAM
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