Mix Feeder Beispielmap v1.0


This is the Beispielmap with the Mix Feeder.
The Mix Feeder is an automatic feeding system from GEA. It consists of 3 bunkers and the actual Mix Feeder, this feeding the cows full automatsich. You just have to fill the bunker, nothing more. Filling the bunkers can also be a contractor take over by their appointed him a charge of feed component.
To map there is nothing great to say, is a slightly modified Bjorn Holm Map, another barn and some adjustments to the pasture, the centerpiece of the Map, is the barn with the Mix Feeder.

Among the needed mods following remarks. All need these Mods and should download these, especially the MapBuyableObjects, since this is a new version that allows the feeder to work in earnest.
Required mods are as follows:
Map Buyable Object: https://mod-portal.com/forum/filebase/index.php/Entry/621-Map-Buyable-Object-V3-3/
Mix Feeder: https://mod-portal.com/forum/filebase/index.php/Entry/622-Mix-Feeder-V1-0/ "

zzz_ChoppedStraw: http://planet-ls.de/board/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=18956&pageNo=1

My thanks to GEA for Unterstütung in this project.
In addition to the model makers:
Bunker: SoftFOX, BigM
Stall: Timber131
Rails: BigM, Xentro
Mixing station: m4pj3cts
Feeder: manni_112, SoftFOX, BigM


Bunker: softfox, BigM
Stall: Timber131
Schienen: BigM, Xentro
Mischstation: m4pj3cts
Feeder: manni_112, softfox, BigM

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