ModsWanted Wheels v1.0


ModsWanted Wheels is no independent mod, but revised Tire - textures of Trelleborg - tires. Therefore, NOT in the mods - Copy Folder!

Why all the plastic Because I - look and luster of the original tires than anything else has fallen. And if you are of the same opinion, help yourselves these textures;-)
does not apply
does not apply

IMPORTANT! Only back up the old textures!
1. For this you go to the installation directory of the LS15 and then in \ data \ vehicles \ wheels \ Trelleborg
2. Copy the textures contained therein (21 pieces) in any other folder, that you later (if its the old Gaints - want to have textures again), you can copy it back.
3. Then you unzipped the downloaded ZIP straight here - file "" and then copy the textures contained (12 piece !!) in the said point in 1 folder, overwriting the existing textures ... done!
Why there are 12 textures and not 21? Because only the diffuse and specular textures have been processed, the normal textures remain the same. Both were, the tracks and not processed by Ponsse.

Realistic-looking tires
Original Textures: Gaints
Realistic textures: mailman

Have fun with it!


ModsWanted - mailman

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