MolassesProductionPlant GE v2


This the GE version of Molasses Production Plant.. It has storage for molasses, molassesMeal, rawSugar, forageSorghum, and forageSudangrass. Has the watertower and the bigger size fuel tanks. I put signs where you dump and where you fill. I did not put a sign at water, I think the 2 blue tanks explains that. Remember you need to download the mod, mods for Molasses Production Plant. Have fun, jb3pc4sale.


Plant design and author by jb3pc4sale/ Giants
Parts from other objects

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Commented on 2016-07-14 23:17:35

Hi, I recommend use the script FabrikScript by marhu for create object production.

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Commented on 2016-07-15 00:28:55

This is one version if someone can do better and if they want to re upload in the version they think is better. I don't care it's not mine it's just my idea. I think ideas can be improved with the many mines out there. If you can make better have at it. The language and location I have you can change. I think it should be re uploaded in versions that fit your location.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

The object is the lumbermill of Giants moddified by another modder. You can´t drive into the original lumbermill... You also should respect his work and make a reference to the work in your credits.

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