NH Blue.
Introducing the New Holland T8320 620EvoX with the motor specs from the T9.565 producing 620+ BHP. This was based on the old EVO600 but as requested a rear high implement attacher has been fitted. The glitch when working with the Kuhn tedder not reaching operating height is fixed. Tested with all other implements and trailers ok.
EvoX V1.1. 65000 to buy, 65 Daily cost's, Dyeable wheel colours, Washable Yes, Multiplayer Yes. Road Speed restricted Yes 61KMH, Wider front tyres and fenders. Fender rotation increased when steering, Rear Tyre radius reduced from the original EVO. All Rear arms and attacher heights have been modified for all implements to work as they should. Brakes, RPM, torque, suspension and steering settings have been modified from the original Evo.
You can do tractor dar green color please?
Awesome MOD!! Any chance of getting this one with Dual Wheels???
Art I will put a dark green one up for you tomorrow, Like the John Deere green? It's no problem to do the texture map.
Chuck I had no plan to do a dual wheel version, but if I did would you want just the rears doing or front's as well?
Art the Dark green version is going up now.
Chuck something Xtreme for you is about to go in the upload que.
Warning: translation of bottomArm 'lowerLink' of attacherJoint 0 is 0/0.053893595933914/0.011060600169003! Should be 0/0/0! (C:/Users/MSC/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//newHollandT8320_EvoX620blue/newHollandT8320.xml).this is error in my log file and same fro green one you do.Please sort as the are a lovely mod
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