This is the default New Holland T9.560 with dual wheels.
Added Features:
Partical effect on all wheels.
New strobe light set.
Tire tracks on all wheels.
New Sounds.
Dual wheels have collision.
For those who like first person I changed the windows to be much more clearer.
New dual tires!
The cost is still the same as the default.
Engine horse power is the same as the default.
Changel log V3.0.1:
Added tinted windows.
Added indoor sound.
Added automatic reverse lights.
Adjusted tire collision.
Changel log V3.0:
New dual tires
Reworked tire collision (due to new tires).
Corrected tire particle system.
Changel log V2.5:
Small changes to dual tire alignment.
Replaced strobes with different set.
Changel log V2.0:
New Sounds.
Dual wheels now have collision.
- 1 Downloads in
9 years ago
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