Norge Holm v1.4 Multifruit mit Unkraut-Mod


The new default map now with broiler u. Beet cutter. Furthermore, and with multi-fruit, pig, green manure, SeedMaster, GülleMistKalk, manure storage, horse, Edeka, composting plant, WaterMod, ChoppedStraw, Display Overview, Real Time, bale, Komposterde-, straw, grass / hay, mixed feed, silage. Seed Vault, butcher and much more
Who does not know, sometimes plays one of his favorite map, but you would have a thing or two like different. I also suffered a similar fate as a fan of folk Holm and Holmfarming, something had one what the other map had not.
And so I built a completely new standard map, which in some parts of the vg Resemble Maps. But most of the changes or deviations of the standard map, have been rebuilt, modified and added by me. In addition, emphasis was placed on ensuring that all fields remain as in the original default map. Thus, in Section 24 was only a small strip and about 1/3 away at box 25 for the space required by the fattening farms.
So the way to the finishing farms (pork and beef cattle) has become a small ravine, which is crossed by a footbridge. Pigs and cattle can be fed with the new fruits oats and rye addition to sugar beet, potato, wheat, barley, canola and corn, in addition now.
At the station, the tracks were extended and the tunnel added. An old road bridge from a discarded construction project of the Government of Norge spar over the railway tracks to the new manure Dung purchase.
Cow and sheep pasture are now next to the granary, not far from the farm.
At the old place of the cow pasture is a horse farm for the purchase of straw, grass / hay, oats and sugar beet. In the former sheep grazing a Edeka market has emerged. Here pigs, cattle and potato can be sold.
The map is prepared for BunkerSilosHud - GülleMistKalk-, the ChoppedStraw- and Greenfertilizer mod. For the BunkerSilosHud-, GülleMistKalk- and ChoppedStraw mod only the corresponding zip files need to be copied into the mod folder - links to the mods see Mod recommendations. The Greenfertilizer-Mod (green manure-Mod) is completely installed and requires no additional measures.

Changelog version 1.2 (no new Score required)
* Beet cutter added to the cow pasture. If vehicles / equipment are at the feeding trough of the cows, please enable before the update only, since the beet Schneider get there.
* The new placement of the WoolPaletteCollector there was at the unloading point one flaw, which has now been corrected. If wool pallets are already on WoolPaletteCollector, please vacate the pre-upgrade only - otherwise, errors may occur.
* Meadow between the house aligned with the sheep pasture and field 38.
* The manure storage at the chicken and beef finishing the Abladetextur slightly shifted to the left, and this has now been fixed.
* Conveyor broiler diets also emptied the garbage heap of cattle fattening - fixed.
* New feed allocation in broiler diets because it makes all the more sense.
* Fence located behind the chicken fattening facility.

Quick Guide beet Schneider:
Since there is not much to say. You can now produce compound feed with sugar beets or potatoes. Simply download the beet or potato with a shovel into the funnel and catches the already Beet cutter to produce compound feed. This works similarly to the mixing station, as is the same script from Marhu under the hood. It is currently not possible to charge the compound feed, it is automatically transported to the production in the feeding trough.

Note: If your at the same time it can also used the placeable mixing station, inter alia, at Live Scores margin for error. Please If this, then replaces the LiveTicker.lua of the mixing station with the beets from the cutter.

Changelog version 1.1
* The new broiler in the cow pasture added.
* Upon request, the horse farm built new stables.
* Shelter below the large layers of fodder are somewhat lower.
* When all active lights the light reflections improved. When you go under the lights, the reflexes turn on the vehicles no longer abruptly from or to, but are slowly brighter or darker, giving a realistic impression.

Quick Guide broiler:
The chicken can be supplied with water. They are fed with root crops (potato, sugar beet). The silo can feed wheat, corn, barley, oats and rye. At the feed troughs you feed corn, wheat, barley, silage and compound feed.
You are in the stall in straw that produce chicken manure - but NO manure.
Can be sold at the butcher the chickens and the Edeka. For transporting either convert an available trailer or you can use the Betimax Joskin RDS 7500 ->
The barn is near the gate of a switch, which allows you to open the glass roof. Open the O key and press Z or Y (depending on what you have set for a language of the keyboard) to close. The button must be held, so do not touch just short.

Version 1.0

List and brief explanation of installed, used or prepared Mods:

GülleMistKalk Mods: It can be fertilized with the standard devices slurry, manure and lime.
ChoppedStraw Mod: Does chopped straw visible.
Greenfertilizer-Mod: alfalfa and clover can be sown as a fast-growing green plants and serve as fertilizer for the fields.
Pig: Breeding of pigs and cattle.
WoolPaletteCollector: Automated collection system at the sheep pasture.
SeedMaster2k15: production of treated seeds.
WaterMod: Water supply from cows, sheep, chickens, pigs and cattle.
Manure storage: To store the manure from the cows, cattle and pigs.
Composting plant: the production of compost.
Conveyors: Allows the fruits can be loaded into the trailer.
Soil texture: fields and meadows have received a modified texture.
Ball bearings: For storage of straw, grass and hay bales.
Seed storage: storage of treated seeds.
Multifruid: Additional crops such as oats, rye and sunflower.
Clover alfalfa Behold green manure
Display Overview: LS13 stock price display, modified for Norge Holm. Activation with the F9 key.
Milk trigger. The Zunhammer water and milk tank (see links) can be manually milk to be sold.
Socks: Used to dock the charging hose from the water Zunhammer & Milk tank..
Mapsiloband: Conveyor belts for cow, cattle and pig manure.
Digital display: Level Indicators on the feed stores.
Butchery: purchase of pigs and cattle.
Slurry manure Purchase: Purchase of dung and manure of cows, cattle, and pigs.
Edeka: purchase of pigs, cattle and potato.
Horseback riding: purchase of straw, grass / hay, oats and sugar beet.
Forgotten Plants Landscape textures: Just over the texture of the rocks.
BunkerSilosHud: status and level indication of the bunker silos. Activation with Ctrl (left) + B.

Mod recommendations incl. Links
Milk and water transport:
Zunhammer Water & Milk tank -. Http://
StopMilkSale V2.0.0 (placeable), prevents the automatic milk sales. - Http://
Slurry Transport:
Kotte Universal Pack + Trailer Semi Trailer (new version can also be used for water and milk -. Http://
Power chopped straw visible. The map is vorbereitetet, it must be copied into the mod folder only - Http://
Slurry manure-lime-Mod:
The map is vorbereitetet, it must be copied into the mod folder only - Http://
BunkerSilosHud: status and level indication of the bunker silos. The map is vorbereitetet, it must be copied into the mod folder only - Http://
Betimax Joskin RDS 7500: For the transport of chickens, pigs and cattle.
And now I wish you as much fun and joy with the map, as I have it.

As requested by PM and others may have similar concerns, just a few hints.

Seeds of new fruits:
a) oats and rye with the standard seeding machines can also sow wheat and barley.
b) sunflowers with the standard seeding machines can also sow the corn.

Harvest of new fruits:
a) oats and rye are the normal standard cutting such as harvested for wheat and barley.
b) Sunflowers are harvested with the standard for cutting corn.

In summary, oats and rye is handled by LS 15 such as wheat, barley and canola. Sunflowers are treated by LS15 such as corn.
Alfalfa and clover as a fast-growing green plants can not be harvested, they are used as fertilizer. After the fruit ripening just drive over it with the cultivator or direct sowing, and the field is fertilized.
To load all items, except just things like straw, grass and hay wagons and manure = = Liquid manure, you can use the normal or standard dump trucks, such as existing at the beginning of the game Brantner E8041.
The map is so constructed that one can use standard equipment. Exceptions are water and milk, this one uses eg the Zunhammer of Marhu or the Kotte Universal of Farmer_Andy - see links in the description. Water course, you can also use the standard water tank (Lizard - Mobile water tank) transport - can be found in the Store Misc.
Lime can be loaded with any standard fertilizer spreader and each syringe.
Seeds2 (dressed seed) can be loaded with any standard sowing machine. For this, simply go under the SeedMaster2k15 or seed stock. Assumes, of course, it was previously Seeds2 produced or stored.
Production of treated seeds:
The SeedMaster2k15 easily filled with wheat, barley, canola, oats, rye or sunflowers. Then just wait until the SeedMaster2k15 from dressed seed has produced. Tip: If you look at the left side of SeedMaster2k15 where the display panel, you can read the progress of the production of treated seeds in the F1 menu.

WARNING - Respect !!!
It must ALL ZIP files that are included in the download are copied into the mod folder, even if they are there already exists because the mods have been specially adapted for Map. If we make this not, errors may occur.
Please upload only one map in the mod folder because some scripts on certain maps when you start LS15 to be loaded, and so can cause errors.


Schweinemast: Marhu, Mannie313
WoolPaletteCollector: Marhu
SeedMaster2k15: Marhu, Framer_Andy (Andy1978), Weisser
Seed2Fix: Marhu, Weisser
WaterMod: Marhu
Gülle-Mist-Kalk-Mod: TMT, Marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan
Gülle-Lager: Framer_Andy (Andy1978)
Kompostierwerk: Framer_Andy (Andy1978)
Förderband Holzschnitzel: Mariodiek
Förderbänder: Leos50
Bodentextur: ZeFir_POLAND
Ballenlager: Shakari
Saatgutlager: mkausen
Multifruid: upsidedown
Gründünger-Mod: upsidedown
Klee Luzerne: bgo1973
ChoppedStraw: webalizer
Kalk-Silo: RC-Devil
DisplayOverview: Blacky_BPG, HappyLooser
Milchtrigger: Marhu
Stutzen: Marhu
Mapsiloband: Marhu
Digitale Anzeige: Nils23, Blacky_BPG, lappyBauer, dtmaster
Metzgerei: Pandahma, (Urmodder – möchtegernbauer)
Gülle-Mist-Ankauf: Zatoxx
EDEKA: Giants, Mark44
Pferdehof: Aerocool, GE-Mapping, SG-1
Forgotten Plants Landscape Texturen: Eribus
Hühnermast: Framer_Andy (Andy1978)
Stallgebäude Pferdehof: Rene248
Rübenschneider: Marhu / Funky
Unkrautmod (MultiSprayer Herbizid Mod): upsidedown
AmpelMod: Bluebaby210
Straßenschilder: Nick98.1

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