-No errors
-Fun for those who enjoy a bit of a challenge I hope. The terrain is fairly rough in places. Also, if you are logging in the valley, it’s a bit of a drive to get back to the sell points.
Known issues:
-Textures are not final and need some work…especially that sign you see when you first drop in. Please overlook these for now.
-Some parts of the map are not ‘decorated’ yet. I’m struggling with ways to fill up the empty places…it’ll fill up eventually.
-Some of the roads in those undecorated parts are not smoothed or sculpted fully yet. They are roads to nowhere at this point anyway so you won’t have any need to travel these roads unless you are just exploring.
-The PDA map is off a little bit. I need to grow more hair that I can then pull out while I fix this.
-Performance-I hope it is ok. There are not a lot of objects (Northern Ontario is a fairly barren place other than water, rock and trees), but there is a fair amount of foliage to draw. Your feedback would be helpful.
-Balance-I spend more time editing than I do actually playing this game. What’s do you or don’t you like about how it plays?
Planned features:
-Depending on feedback, I may or may not move the sell points much further away from where they are.
-Some custom starter equipment for the final release.
-A surprise or two if I can figure out some things I have no experience in. So a big if there.
-Filling up the empty areas.
Map Notes:
Triggers are in the ‘Office’.
Log sell point at the ‘log sort’ in the empty row. See screens…
Wood chip sellpoint at the power station that provides power to the mill and surrounding buildings. See screens…
Seedling delivery point is behind the ‘Office’ between the pallet stacks.
Vehicles reset between the two sheds. See screens…
Block the first vehicle reset point with a trailer or something and vehicles will be reset to the valley camp.
Probably forgetting to mention some things. I will be watching the comments section. Any constructive feedback is very much welcome. Pointing out the obvious…like “WTF…I can’t buy chickens!!!??!!111″…will be ignored.


Map by EZP, starter map and objects by, robbie, Peter008, Hiijinx, Buzzard

Similar modifications

Commented on 2015-07-28 18:22:06

North Bay, Ontario
Got to get it for sure. I worked with the Ministry of Natural Resources as a Resource Assistant during a summer while in Forestry at Sault College.
So I think I'm going to love this map being a Forestry map in North Bay. hehe
Do you have the NORAD mountain base at Trout Lake on it?

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Commented on 2015-07-28 20:09:25

No no...not North Bay the city specifically. This is just a fictional representation of the area around where I spend some time....a fair bit south of Algonquin Park. North Bay is what the locals call the bay near the cottage. Still, I hope it makes you nostalgic a bit :)

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Commented on 2015-07-28 23:47:50

LOL, close enough with both being near Algonquin Park. It's just all trees, water, and rocks all around there. hehe

Having a blast with the map and took some screenshots on Steam.
Hope the link will work to my FS15 pics, but here it is:

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

EZP please serch me on yahoo/facebook
Facebook : Daniel Panduru
Yahoo Email : [email protected]
I want to do some edit make all of that mountain full of forest not just that little valley in rest the map is exceptional !!!!
I really really love this map I finally found what I like !!!!

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Commented on 2015-07-31 12:43:03

I am glad you like it Daniel, but I am sorry, I will not ok an edit to be uploaded...this is my vision, my work, my time put into it (many, many hours). It's not even finished yet...hence 'beta'.

You can edit it for your own personal use.

Of course, if you can edit my map, you have the ability to make your why wouldn't you do that?

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

EZP I don`t know to make mods either to edit them !

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

I was going to put a friend of mine either to tell you what I think that should be edited !!

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Commented on 2015-08-10 01:27:21

To tell him what you think should be edited?
The darn map is still in Beta and he's got plans to fill the map with more stuff, as he said.
It's people like you who piss off modders to the point where they just don't bother making stuff public anymore.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

it needs more stuff added any way more trees

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