People Holm v1.5.1 Multifrucht


Seed fertilizer factory at the station included (all half price)
Fertilizer seed stock on the farm inserted (fertilizing seed also purchasable, normal price)
Inserted compost workshop
Inserted beet Schnitzler
Beet pulp can u. Pigs are fed as silage and be delivered to the composting plant in cattle.
Small BGA inserted at the court (Takes silage maize wheat barley rape oat rye sunflower potato sugarbeet beetPulp)
Inserted shelves for Fronlader tools on the farm
Slurry manure removed Purchase
Composting facility shall have the following "fruits":
potato sugarbeet wheat barley rape maize sunflower oat rye grass silage chaff grass_windrow
dryGrass_windrow wheat_windrow barley_windrow compost manure liquidManure beetPulp
Price reduced for compost
Sky again standard
Gene Borg textures added: Slurry manure lime - sunflowers, clover and alfalfa
Furnished turning area at the Windmill
The Kärcher is now ready to kick-off
The fountain in the court, you can now get free water.
Implemented wishing well for gold coins
Capacity silage silo set down on the farm (500,000 liters)
Inserted mixing station with the cows
Amended Start Vehicles
Price of oats increased slightly
Price for feed slightly reduced
Beet cutter can be filled with conveyor belt (version 2.2.0) of Marhu now
PDA fixed symbols
Various minor fixes
This version is without Unkrautmod, it will initially be no with!

A big thank you to all testers, especially on JoPim !!!!
It must be a new beginning, unfortunately Score!

Important !!!!
All the map accompanying mods have in the mod folder!
Even if the mods are already available, please replace it with the supplied one.
If the map jerk in the beginning, it is because the shader cache must first be taught! You will notice that the jerky is gradually less!

Optional Mods:
Transport of manure to the manure storage:

Zunhammer milk / water trailer:

Matching trailer to transport the animals:

For instructions on Happy Looser for partially Take an old savegame is available here:
People Holm Second Edition V1.4.5 weeds:
Added Unkrautmod
People Holm Second Edition V1.4.5:
Away Unkrautmod
Compost fertilizer added texture
Manure storage - volume now without limit
Price reduced compost
Adapted Info Menu
I recommend a new game, as it in some but problems arise when an old score is over !!!
Please existing override any accompanying mods in the mod folder.
People Holm Second Edition V1.4:
Zwischlager for manure on the farm inserted (750,000 liters).
Straw power plant inserted (near the compost plant)
Compost now (assuming GülleMistMod!) As fertilizer available
(Standard spreader or fertilizer spreaders available)
Dunghill cows volume increased (now 200,000 Ltr.)
Yield losses when using manure Unkrautmod fixed. (GRLE file changed)
Fixed Plane composting plant
Compost changed color, dark now
Various minor fixes
Important !!!!
All the map accompanying mods have in the mod folder!
The is optional. (Unkrautmod)
Even if the mods are already available, please replace with the attached !!!
People Holm Second Edition V1.3:
Inserted broiler
To transport the chickens matching pendant: Mod layer inserted
Information about the weed Mod:
Bunker Silo Hud mod - added entries for slurry
Inserted Beet cutter
Prices for pork and beef increased
Outlets for all fattening animals: Butcher, shipping and freight station
The old score can be taken if you have previously played the V1.2!
Watch Out!
Before the old score is accepted, necessarily where the chickens mast stands (see picture), weggrubbern the grass! Otherwise, the grass grows through the bottom of the broiler! For this purpose, the mod ChoppedStraw must be in the mod folder! When starting a new game supernatant, the cultivator is not necessary.
After downloading the file should be unpacked!
People Holm Second Edition V1.2:
Fixed compost Tarpaulin
No longer be selected as seed compost
New fruits - fixed seed consumption and income
Composting plant changed slightly
Trees fixed - now have branches again
Various minor fixes
Download this file and unpack once. Then, existing overwrite all the files in the mod folder.
Important !!!!
All the map accompanying mods have in the mod folder!
Even if the mods are already available, please replace it with the supplied one.
New fruits: sunflower, oat and rye
Harvest new crops: sunflower with corn head, oats and rye with cutting
Camp for compost on the farm


RC-Devil: DüngerFabrik/Lager, Kompost Textur
Marhu: Watermod, Milchtrigger. Mapsiloband, Stutzen, Woolpalettcollector
Marhu u. Mannie313: Mastanlagen GMK Mod
Marhu Funky: Rübenschneider
Marhu, weisser: Seed2Fix
Andy1978 und Marhu: Seedmaster
Farmer_Andy: Kompostwerk, Güllelager, Rübenschnitzler und Hühnermast
upsidedown : Multifruid Mod, Unkrautmod
1LS12: Unterstand
Mariodiek: Förderband Holzschnitzel, Lagerhalle
webalizer_ls: ChoppedStraw
Lars: Regal
ZeFir_POLAND: Bodentextur
Eribus: Forgotten Plants Landscape Texture V1.0, Fruchttexturen
Leos50: Förderbänder
Blacky_BPG, Nils23, weisser, lappyBauer, dtmaster: DigitalDisplay
bgo1973: Klee Luzerne
Eisbearg: Gitterbox Eier
Inerti: DustMod
Blacky_BPG und HappyLooser: DisplayOverview
Geneborg: Texturen: Gülle Mist Kalk – Sonnenblumen, Klee Luzerne
Joerg_B: Große Halle
TyphoOn: BGA für Kleinbetriebe
Sollte ich jemanden vergessen haben, unbedingt eine Info an mich!!

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