Pferdenau v1.0


"Welcome to Pferdenau. Awaiting you is an idyllic landscape surrounded by vast forests. Farm holding in the village farm where you can operate a variety of economic sectors of agriculture. From sheep, chicken and cattle breeding, and even rearing of horses , you have all options open. The field system is not too short. This allows you to grow and store a total of 10 different arable crop varieties. "

For detailed instructions, screen shots, announcements and patch notes can be found here:

First, the most important points, these mods are absolutely required. Otherwise, there are log errors, important elements of the map does not work or the card will not start! So best download directly into the Mod's folder:

AnimationMapTrigger Vertex Dezign:

Water trailers to the potato supply chain to supply them with water. The standard trailer for diesel and water is not fact!

Multifrucht Mod:

Universal Process Kit:

Since many new fruit varieties are installed on the map, it may be just the available IDs. If even the Soilmod is then used, which again fits dozens elements, one comes without the 64er fix from no more. It could perhaps even without this mod will work, but better safe than sorry ;-)

AAA_64erFix for fruit and Filltypes raising:

The following Mod's are not mandatory, but they are not without all the features of Map available. Everyone can therefore decide whether he wants to play for example with Soilmod or Choppedstraw or not:

For all who want to play with Truck Trial come to the Drive Control Mod not really about:

Slurry / manure / Kalkmod:


Important! Please only use one, either slurry / manure / lime or Soilmod. Just grab a file in the mod folder!



Milk Trailer:

Viehanhänger: (it will also be others)
Joskin RDS 7500 Betimax v.3.6.5

Horse trailer for transport, kommts of now, horses !:
Fortuna Trailer Pack Mod for Farming Simulator 15

The map Pferdenau is particularly suitable for casual gamers among you, as I have tried to build as much capacity in a small space. The routes are short, so it is possible to carry out even with little time to play a lot of different work on the farm. Primarily I build maps for me, to which I myself play and so it has always bothered me that much time on the way to point of sale is required. What especially problematic when there is little time to play as is. For this reason, the outlets are very centrally located in Pferdenau. But there are also companies that are a bit further out, so here is something for everyone.
Generally one can say that the card is suitable for many players. You can run the farm with timers or with modern vehicles. Since further huge halls were placed even in a side street from the farm it is also possible to play all the contractors.
The fields have rather medium to small sizes. But some can be merged with the cultivators. Also, for those who want to operate the grassland management is taken care of. So there are more than 20 different sized wicker, from very small up to heavy motorable mountain meadows.

"Also for the Friends of forestry is taken care of. So is located in the middle of the vast forest areas a large sawmill, which can be operated completely independently. You can store the wood, it loaded directly onto trains for sale, further process it into boards or chips in make power plant connected to money. In order to protect your valuable equipment also Forst garaging halls are available, both on the grounds of the sawmill as well as in the lying in the forest skidding squares "
The forestry plays an important role in Pferdenau. There are two very extensive forest areas and some small areas where even wood can be defeated. It will also be possible to completely new areas to reforest, so you manage forests sustainably. As a special feature is located in the largest forest area a sawmill that can be operated independently. Etc. With its own tank farm, dozens storage facilities for wood and boards, outlets for wood including railway connection, storage for wood chips with its own power plant on the premises
In addition, here is also the sawmill that processed be handed down wood in boards which are then sold in the city können.Natürlich it is also easily possible with a tractor trailer and chainsaw to go into the forest and to propose a few trees in order then in the sawmill for sale. Each as he likes; from large company to "one-man company".
Especially in multiplayer offers itself the operation of the sawmill. Meanwhile, some may worry about the impact and the transport of the trees the other hand, the storage and further processing take.

Placeable Mods:
At various points on the map, and especially in the village areas are freely available. This is not something to build on my laziness here, but remember that there are many placeable mods and it has always bothered me, these are built "finished" with the most cards. One simply has no place to be, for example, to buy greenhouses. For this reason there is on my map the areas where everyone can put out what he wants.

Truck Trial:
In the northwestern part of the map is a demanding and extensive Truck Trial parcours on her your skills to the test can. For all who do not know what is best to make a quick trip to Wikipedia.

Here is the short version: You try to end a technically demanding course with deft maneuvers. On the route there are gates, which are characterized by two barrels, or two rods, which must be passed through. The yellow / red drums mark the beginning of an obstacle. The speed and the time needed is first secondary. The arrival is therefore the most important.
People who think full throttle and, here not long will have fun. It is intended for those who are premeditate a way and then leave him accurately as possible without getting stuck their vehicle. While there is a prescribed way, but it is also possible to give yourself a way to think about this and then to depart.

It is possible to breed in Pferdenau pigs, cattle and horses. The pigs and cattle can be purchased as juveniles when Viehändler and are then distributed to the two stables. The adult animals are then sold at the slaughterhouse or the butcher in the village. Anyone who wants to can take care of the pigs with selbstpruduziertem feed. For this, the potato damper and the mixer is used at the stables.
The horses will be bought in the shop (key P) and then continuously producing young foals, which can then be sold at the riding arena in the hall or in a stud farm in the south of the Map. The growth time is very slow, but the selling price of 3,000 to 5,000 per animal is also correspondingly high.
In addition to the stables located dunghill, which can be used as an interim storage because the farms have to be cleaned out with a wheel loader or front loader.

Water sampling:
There are only 3 places on the map where the water can be removed for Greenhouses and Livestock systems. The points are marked with a sign "process water extraction '.
A watering hole located at the sawmill Angeles, right next to the lake. Another stop is located right in the city Pferdenau in the church square. And the final discharge point is located in the northern part of the card in addition to a covered parking hall.

Are all over the map Easter eggs hidden, waiting to be discovered there. Whoever takes the trouble and the 100 Goldmünszen examined (worth it) will discover even some of the Easter eggs.

Special features of the card:
-Fruchtsorten: Wheat, barley, canola, corn, beets, potatoes, sunflowers, oats, rye
-Luzerne And clover as catch crops
-Zentral situated arable and livestock operation
-Goldmünzen Collectible
Built missions
-Wassermod: The cows, sheep and chickens can be supplied with water
-Misthaufen To temporarily store
-Futterlager With level indicator
-When garden market can be sold Mist
-Gülle / Mist / Lime Mod ready
-Soil Mod ready
-Pferdezucht The main courtyard
-Rinder- And pig farms that need to be cleaned up
-Viehmarkt To purchase pups
-Springplatz With Horse Sale
-Sägewerk In the forest
-Rückeplätze With warehouses in various places in the woods
-Giants Built trains for grain and timber
-Sägewerk That produces boards
-SC Carvone west of the city
-Brauerei, Spinning and sugar factory as a sales outlet
-many easter eggs waiting to be discovered there
-Truck-Trial track
-Kartoffel Production chain with washer, damper and mixer
-22 Boxes of small to medium in size
-many pastures that are partly difficult to drive
-BGA With 3 silos
Lime for temporary storage on the farm
-Kuhweide With tunnel
-hunderte of already placed trees
-Stroh And hay already installed
-Freiflächen For placeable Mods
-uvm ...

The map may be released on other platforms as Modhoster only with the original description text and an original Donwloadlink ( In addition, the approval of me (Nico Angeles) must be obtained in advance.
I keep it in front of me to take action against any infringements which may include legal action.
From me created textures may not be used on maps and in mods without my permission, which are made available to the public. This concerns in particular advertising posters, signs and logos of the companies' sawmill Angeles "," stud Pferdenau "" Agrarbetrieb Edelweiss "and the newly designed textures of pig and cattle feedlots. I keep it in front of me to take action against any infringements which may include legal action.

Thanks again to all modders who give mappers its wonderful buildings and objects. Without you, our maps were only half as beautiful and detailed.
Scripts used =
Manure, lime, Mistmod of TMT / Marhu
Chopped Straw Webalizer
Pig and cattle fattening Marhu
Wassermod of Marhu
Script Factory from Marhu
Soilmod of Decker
Built-up Objete and building =
various buildings and decoration objects from Giants
Grass pavers, Flußerle, Layer cobblestones, various tools, log set of Buschi
Arch Bridge of Fatian
Piglets tax of Andi Scania
Large covered parking halls, meat Errei, washhouse of IHC 27
Power house, high stand, bus stop, park benches of Börndi
Feldscheune, waterholes of mailman
Leitplankenset of Funker
Lightning of Chefkoch_LS
various textures from the Forgotten Plants Pack of Eribus
some textures from the Pack "Realistic-textures 2.0" and Lowpolybäume of vanilla ice cream
Zugschranken by KA88
Sheep of Maxter
Fertilizer, fuel drums, seed of Wellano920
Power House of TakerMaco
Luzernetextur of bgo1973 / straightener Jack
Mobile Home of MartinbigM
Radio Tower, workshop equipment from Jauch Paule
Lime / fertilizer warehouse, BGA silos of Steffen30muc
Mauersteinpallete of kirezagar
Machine shop, granary of Vertex Design
Ball Hall, the bus stop of Fendtfan1
Kuhsilo of mf-modding
Milk House of Manuel
Aldi with modified textures of Nico Angeles from Kai2
Ambience Sound Pack V1 of Wellano920
diverse Foliagelayer, school, Ponnyhof, Forsthaus, milk collection, gravel pit, sports court, construction village, power lines, feed storage, manure heap, various traffic signs, fruit plates, sugar mill, cowshed, Hofneubau, bridges of El Cid
Advertising posters, signs and logos of the companies' sawmill Angeles "," stud Pferdenau "" Agrarbetrieb Edelweiss "and the newly designed textures of pig and cattle fattening systems of Nico Angeles
Loading bay of BW-Modding
Road package of Fatian
Dunghill of BW-Modding
Road texture of Niggels
Cattle market of Marhu
Materrial Holders pig feed, Kartofellwaschanlage, damper and Forage Master of Farmer_Andy

If I forgot someone, so I'm sorry, because that was no malicious intent. With such a large project you will quickly lose the overview times. Everyone who feels forgotten in this list please send me simply a message with the link to his mod and I will his name as soon as possible complete here.


Nico Angeles

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

Superb card, but a little flat on some fields when we want to sow, ca mark field does not belong to you and can not sow. otherwise great jobComment...

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Commented on 2015-11-30 06:42:11

if u are talking bout 14 if u buy the field below it that fixes the problem

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