Ramp function v1.0


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Moin, or good day, anyway :)
So now for the mod:
What is it ?
It is one,
The function is, the funnel in the so-called,
closes a hatch and open.
No other mod's it needed.
This mod runs over Giants_Standart_Script.
Axso, the mod needs a little place ... :) :) :)

I create my Mod's with: - Giants_Editor
- Paint.net
- Notepad ++

Why ? Since I still used Blender or similar 3D_Programme
can not deal.
So ... otherwise as usual, the rest explain the images.
So now you have to decide whether you like the mod ....;)
So Tschüüüüüüüssssssssssssss tells you .... :)


Modell: IRG78/Ingo210578/Giants
Textur: IRG78/Ingo210578/Giants
Script: Giants
Idee / Konzept: IRG78
Tester: IRG78
Sonstige: IRG78/Ingo210578

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