Economic cycle oil refinery Part 2 by Castor
Next you go,
Now we come to the refinery where you can your hinbringen crude oil for processing.
Again, the UPK is used by Mor2000.
Accept acceptance of rape and crude oil, Both Can sleep up to 550000l - General Info's.
-Production Engine oil 3000l per hour
-Production Diesel (for Maschienen) 3000l per hour
-Production Diesel (For Sale) 3000l per hour
>>> All 3 assets are stored in tanks, capacity 350000l. Are these full stops production.
Sale of motor oil and diesel at the Öl_Company, Of course you can also trigger the sit down where else.
I have deliberately installed no fence or gate. Since everyone has on its map matching jewelry for it.
Refinery by Castor
!!! Must be miten GE Built !!!
#Einbauanleitung In the zip.
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MFG Kastor
- 1 Downloads in
9 years ago
why will no one make a placeable refinery lots more people would get to enjoy it other than waiting for someone to build an entire map you have to download just to use the goddamm refinery I mean really
i wouldn't be in a hurry, there's still nothing to haul it with.
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