Map for Farming Simulator 15, conversion. The map is prepared on the platform 2048x2048. From the previous version there is a change: added sawmill, timber and another train, for sale of logs, chips and bales. Just memory for storing hay and stubble. Be added on the map soya, sunflower, radish, carrot, onion, garlic. On the map to the processing of fields or growing of calves, piglets Marhu who treat updated to version 5.0.0. Cattle market on Marhu, WaterMod of Marhu. I also have a function to two large objects like concrete plant and a bakery (the whole function construction works only if you have installed UPK Universal process kit of mor2000) to build. On the map all the works if they have any problems for them at home. A card with no errors. On the map are BGA, Russian-style. Not without dim-dim for which many thanks to him on the map all trains, elevators, excavators, some objects are all his handiwork. The only big minus on the map, it's a vegetable harvester. He's crops at harvest schedule, and empty vehicles and Particle also missing. Cereal cleaned standard technique, roots removed Rübenroder.Auch installed on the map is SoilMod - Soil Management & Growth Control (V2.0.x) from Decker_MMIV
- 1 Downloads in
9 years ago
junk mod waste of time downloading it it don't work worth shit
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