Shadow Wolf v1.1


This is the default map.
Since she was not quite so pleased, I have something new and rebuilt gestalltet.
The cattle and sheep are not always to be found where they are in the originals.
In addition to the cattle there is a new courtyard. There, the forest enterprise is newly created.
The nursery I have something new gestalltet.
Modgebäude I have not yet installed.
You have to unzip the file and then paste it into the modfolder.
Do not know why the packed version does not work.
The map will always expanded ... so therefore always comes back add something new.

I tested it extensively yet, although it may be that some errors may occur. If you find any please write me with a detailed description of the error.
Criticism is allowed but please only makes sense. Stupid sayings you can write in your Notzibuch.
This card has been exclusively created for Modhoster. It is forbidden to upload it somewhere else, it is forbidden to link to, and it is strictly prohibited to change the map.


Gaints, SchattenWolf

Similar modifications

Commented on 2014-11-08 16:47:09

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wie ich sehen haben sie meine Karte illegaler Weise auf ihre Seite gehostet und einen falschen Downloadlink hinzu gefügt.
Ich gebe ihnen 24 Stunden Zeit diese wieder von Ihrer Seite zu entfernen.
Sonst bekommen Sie Post von meinen Anwälten und ich verklage Sie auf 250.000 Euro.
Wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung und Diebstahl des geistigen Eigentums.
Überlegen Sie sich ob sie sich das leisten können.


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