Small utilities v1.7


Moinsen people
here comes something again from us.
We introduce you the little utilities.
This is a modified MB Chain by MODALL.
With it, you can simply and easily refuel its vehicles, fill fertilizer and seed fill the seeders again.
Details Version 1.7

Cost: € 7,999
Maintenance: 19 € per day
Function: The small distributors is a Pendant with which you can fill seed, fertilizer and fuel quickly spot

We wish Have fun with it.
And if you want to convert him take out the original of MODALL and think yourselves what made ??!!!!!


Modell: Modall
Textur: Micha the Modder / MTL Modding Team
Idee / Konzept: Micha the Modder / MTL Modding Team
Reifen: Leihgabe von unserem GAZ Titan Modpack

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