Square Hay Rack v1.0


This Square Hay Rack is an object for decoration with two functions.
This Square Hay Rack was last saved with the Giants Editor 6.0.3.
The UPK (UniversalProcessKit) is required for full functionality.
The Hay Rack support only round bales, not square bales.

Usage rights:
This work may not be reproduced, reupload or offered on other sites without permission from the author (Nick98.1).
The author (Nick98.1) should be named in the credits of the mod-Map, in which the work is installed.
This work is created for the Farming Simulator 15 and may be used for this game only.


Modell, Textur und Weiteres stammen von Nick98.1. Diese Modifikation verwendet das UPK (UniversalProcessKit) von mor2000.

Model, texture and More are from Nick98.1. This modification uses the UPK (UniversalProcessKit) by mor2000.

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