Stationary Hacker v2.1


With these placeable choppers quickly and cost-strains can be processed into wood chips.
The fuel tank must be filled before the operation. After filling with strains of the engine needs some time to run. The chips can be removed from the bunker or the pipe either.

data sheet
Data Standard Edition Performance Edition Leasing Edition
Triangles 15498 15890 15516
Fuel tank 8000 l 17000 l 8000 l
Wood chips per hour 84000 120000 l l l 84000
Wood chips bunkers 50000 l 60000 l 50000 l
Log bearings 21000 l 21000 l 21000 l
Fuel consumption factor 0.009 0.012 Factor Factor 0.009
Discharging 1000 l / sec 1500l / sec to 1000 l / sec
Price 25000 $ 290,000 LS LS $

$ 1000 LS unique
$ 3,500 Daily LS

A placeable fir corresponds to about 7000 l
You get 95% of the strains as wood chips out again.

The shredder must be filled with the Kotte Universal (Download). The trigger is located at the front.
See screen_fill.jpg1.Bild
If you want to install the shredder with the GE, the please note this post: and mentioned me in the credits.
Tags: shredder chipper shredder Jenz tree trunks tree trunk Placeable LKXstudios Mod Modding recommendation Placeable factory Efficient storage chips diesel fuel tank Kotte Universal charger update solar solar cell stationary Minor Download Holzschredder distressed Rollers Mobile hacker holzhacker audio rea


Marhu - FabrikScript v1.6.0-486
Marhu - LiveTicker v1.1.5
Ifkonator - addStoreCategory v1.1
Da-Hoffi - geänderte Walzentextur
acer1990 - Hud in der BGAtextur (
The Matrixer - Plattentextur (

Ein großes Dankeschön an PowerPeter008 für die Texturierung der Platte.
Die Logos von LKXstudios und LKXleasing wurden mit LogoCreator ( erstellt.
Dank an Marhu, Ifkonator, Farmer Andy und joker301069

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