Steyr 4115 Multi ecotronik v1.0 Standard Forst


When it comes to FS 15, the der Steyr Multi is my favorite. Thats why i will try to keep it up to date with upcoming scripts and functions…
Because there is not much available yet i added some basic features (for standard- and forestrymodells):

> new features:
beaconlight added (key Pos1), cockpitlight (key F), new additional camera for working with the frontloader (key C), new Display

> changed specifications:
Changed all specs to real values (i.e. now real weight, a bit less power, slightly increased fuel usage, etc.)

> when on the road:
licenceplate and decals added

> appearance:
Changed the skin, it takes a bit longer for the tractor to get dirty, no blue windows anymore, changed the exhaust particle system

-         -  Original by Giants Software
-         -  licence plate by pfreek!
-         -  beaconlight attachment by Johni 6530!
Please use original download-link!


Ein Mod von BUZZARD agrartech!
Original natürlich von Giants Software
Nummernschild-Baukasten von pfreek
RUL-Halterung aus dem Bausatz von Johni 6530

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Commented on 2017-12-01 09:08:55

mod video here...............

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