Thuringer Oberland 1988 V6.2 Final


The original was published by EL ulem in April 15 at Modhoster, it carried no support of the Map, Thüringer Oberland 0.9 Beta, so I use the map only for me flawlessly gemacht.Nach reconstruction almost nothing of the old map was left .I try for some time to reach the builder of the Map, without success.The Map is on time before liberation (DDR -time 1988) adapted Map by Landei68.

Because it was going so well and I have found good mods and help the Map has grown continuously.

-Fix The BGA -silos / Fahrsilo extension goes again
eliminated -Warnings the dairy products sale
-Hofwaschanlage (Outdoor): incorporated / from Rosenthaler
built -Regal Frontloader things
built -Tiefgarage / Keller
- Many optical little things that caught our attention in the revised MP

Then, the first requests for the map came in another forum, even if I can get ready for MP.

The map has a few months to buy at TSL and Marhu and running in some MP games.

only times few Informatiionen to Map
- Standard fruits + oats, rye, sunflower, clover and lucerne built for zzz.multieMoving fixed
- Liquid manure lime + compost Mod permanently installed
extended cows, sheep, chickens from the original game with WaterMod of Marhu -
- Cattle, calves, pigs and chickens for fattening lambs sheep rabbits -Mast of your forum
- Cattle Market
- Mixing station of Marhu hidden in the hall at the central warehouse
- Food storage in the LPG
- 1 pilot plant for energy production (BGA systems did not yet exist to Ostzeiten) of manuuuu optically adapted to the terrain
built sawmill Marhu -
- Complete potato cycle of Farmer_Andy
- Pallets ITEMS Marhu with the sheep, sawmill, potato washing facilities in the basement of ZBE in the greenhouses and in the orchards of Kastor

- Factory of t0xic0m
- Pellets Machine
- Composting facility in the GPG (nursery)
- Oil Mill
Windmill with Kleieproduktion, Kleieproduktion is developed by me, based on factory script of Marhu
-Mühle With flour production
- 1 chips bearing the sawmill terrain
- Wooden pallets and pallets wool for sale on the spinning
- Custom textures for field, grass, trees and shrubs
- Small workshop in the LPG, large Wekstatt in the MTS and KFL of wannabe farmer, incl MapRepairTrigger
- Is Fillable petrol, LPG, GPG, testing BGA 2000 l initial charge for the beginning started to production
- Lime and Fertilizer Seed Vault on the LPG-Hof
- Water pumping stations all over the map distributed to a free water load (water was public property: D)
- Heating plants in the MTS, in Industiregebiet and in the GPG
- Some goals go by car from some need to be opened by hand !!!
- Manure and slurry central warehouse, 2 compost stock
- SeedMaster hidden in the hall at the central warehouse (seeds2) of Farmer_Andy
- ChoppedStraw
- Free storage for washed potatoes on LPG Hof
- BunkerSiloHud and MOH prepared whoever uses
- There are 29 fields with less than 200 ha
- Realistic field forms, sometimes very mountainous: D
- 3 villages as decoration, it is a Farming Simulator and no front yard Simulator
- Dairy and brewery production (UPK 0.9.8) of t0xic0m
- All the trees over 10000 are precipitated, other than fruit trees which are supposed to bring income
- Built about 60 audio files
installed new Sky -
- Adds decorative, revised, changed textures, Foilage layer all replaced.
- EierGitterBox installed by Eisbearg (216 eggs per pallet) in the chicken coop and no longer looking (Easter's over) inserted eggs Price Fix with already.
- Vehicle sales in the MTS Hof at office
the Map is designed / prepared for
- The map is self-catering everything can itself produce e.g .: fertilizing seed fodder
but you can also buy

- Is fitted Real terrain and schlammloch.lua (already installed, no extra Mod in modfolder necessary), adapted Drive Control with fruit destruction (and adaptation to Schlammloch.lua) is the map at
of the Originalmap is almost nothing left, some buildings are taken from other maps are some of the Polish and Czech modders, some from LS 11 and 13
I needed old buildings.

I hope I have all enumerated in the Mapbeschreibung, the DL is who I forgot then that was not on purpose, and it is supplemented

On the map I have all Mapränder again revised and all previously unused areas useful to the game, why the builder of the Map has the extent purely set the edge ??. There are wide useable space created you as a meadow or uses one increases the fields. All purchasable fields are fallow land / Meadow and have to be processed after the purchase until at least grub bern.
At the entrance of Schönbrunn (the field 29) a Keilsilo has been added for those who like to push the silo.
The sugar factory is changed (factory script renewed) it is for sugar production now water needed for this comes out as "waste" lime.
Excess lime can werden.Die sold in the BHG Map can be fully farmed organically, slurry, manure, compost can be used as fertilizer, you have to buy any fertilizer (manure purchase triggers are also available).
Yet few floating bushes and trees replanted, many trees now inserted over 10000 precipitable trees on the Map.
New chicken house was built, egg tray is still needed da.Türsound fine.
In the pig was an unused hall as a grass and straw is now installed.
Many mud Ask defused, there were complaints about it: lol:.
Traffic reinserted, who wants to play it real traffic can be switched off in the gameSetting.xml,

the vehicles do not fit at the time.
Additions in version 5.2 + fix
-Schrankenanlage CP trigger disposed
extended -Wachstumszeiten
built -GMK-mod fixed
-multiMoving-mod permanently installed (for clover / alfalfa mowing / shredding)
brought -BahnBonus ok
improved -Obstpalettenpreise
-Small bug fixed (tomatoes pallets texture lacked Ausensilo could not completely empty)
The map is optimized for MP, not everything is possible, is good for the MP game, the better it runs but the SP game, like me, some have already been reported.
If there are problems, errors are found, nor come few suggestions, Report just here.

Required mods is the map at is the map at

UPK .zip is the map at
AAA_64erFix is ​​the map at
Damage and Repair Mod
Download:, the Map is is the map at

List of required and recommended scripts with which the map is running in our MP without problems is again at the Mapbeschreibung, Most scripts should now have all and can also be used.
Pictures of the Map where what must be pure or comes out is the DL at.
detailed credits are the Mapbeschreibung at
The DL will be already adapted to the Map scripts and are mandatory to use in our MP, the Map has been running since December / January with no error or warnings.
first create a new and empty mods folder and any other maps and their custom scripts in there, the DL unpack once and everything .zip ending in the mods folder.
If it is not easy to hard to recommend this Map.

Thanks to all the mods and scripts I've built, and tested to the MP-Tem black of the LPG pump for endurance with my map, when
Images for Map are here and here

The Landei68
The map may not be offered in other forums and on other mod platforms.
When, where and how the map is adjusting my business, thank you!


Ein Dank an alle Erbauer der verbauten Objekte!
Die Liste mit den genauen Credits liegt der Mapbeschreibung bei
Bei einigenverbauten Objekten sind uns leider die Urmodder nicht bekannt. Da ich aber alle Modder für ihre Arbeiten respektieren, würden ich mich freuen, wenn sie sich bei mir melden. Der Modder wird selbstverständlich umgehend nachgetragen.Ich bitte um euer Verständnis ,während der monatelangen Umbauarbeiten und immer wieder Testen habe ich bestimmt jehmand vergessen,das ist nicht meine Absicht passiert!

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Commented on 2016-09-16 11:29:39

werkt niet loopt op meerdere plaatsen vast tegen iets, waar niets staat......

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

I can not run over it before driving into something invisible

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Does anyone else have the problem ???

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