Trailer CAT-350000 Liters + Dolly FS 2015


2 Trailers with 175000 Liters each
+ Dolly

Giants Software
Sven777B - Bel3 script
Oxtar - Original K100 and Tanker models


Giants Software
Sven777B - Bel3 script
Oxtar - Original K100 and Tanker models

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Why are you taking this uploaders pack and separating it and re-uploading the separate parts?

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Commented on 2015-03-21 04:03:23

Well... some people do not want the whole package or can not separate.
so they can choose.

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Commented on 2015-03-21 04:43:48

why are you making the hold 175000litre each which works out to be 175MT (metric ton). That is really unrealistic don't you think? a set of B-trains only should hold 45MT (45000litres) which is legal here in Canada. so if you want a realistic mod then keep it realistic to real life and not go way over board.

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Commented on 2015-03-21 05:53:25

This is a Game.. in the game all is possible.

Few people want a real game and much people want only play.

Iff you want a real game, get a real mods my friend

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Commented on 2015-03-21 07:56:01

This douche does this BS constantly.. he is obviously an idiot who thinks if he steals someone else's mod and makes it beyond unrealistic he is in the Cool Kids Club or something. His "mods" are stupid and he is a douche. Nuff said.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

stop whining if you don't like it don't download it.

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Commented on 2015-03-30 23:12:34

I do not think there was any whine in that last comment.. You are both an idiot and pathetic. Also pointing out facts may save others from wasting their time with junk mods like this. It takes a real tool to defend someone who steals someone elses mod and re-uploads it as his own. Idiots do stick together.

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Commented on 2015-04-02 04:58:01

heitorfs15 doesn't know how to create his own mods. All he knows how to do is edit the modDesc file and reupload them. He has been doing this for a long time and by now I hope everyone would know he has no credibility and every mod he edits is only worse because of him.

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