UAZ 3741: Cargo Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle. It Can Transport Packaged Sunflower Oil, Flour, Sugar, Meat, Sausage, Whiskey, Wine, Beer, Canned Food, Kefir, Olives, Apricots, Mushrooms, Dairy Products, Bran, Peppers, Onions.
Trailer Transport: Standard Culture
Tank Trailer For Liquid Products.
Food Trailer: It Van Transport Packaged Sunflower Oil, Flour, Sugar, Meat, Sausage, Whiskey, Wine, Beer, Canned Food, Yogurt, Jam, Hops, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Apples, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Strawberries, Cherries, Eggplant, Olives, Apricots, Mushrooms, Dairy Products, Bran, Peppers, Onions.
Trailer For Transporting Bread And Bakery Products.
Trailer For Transporting Live Fish And Water.
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