Valmet 359D v1.0


Valmet 359D from the year 1959. It has a three-cylinder Valmet 309D engine with approximately 37,5 horse power. It is the second diesel-powered tractor from Finnish manufacturer Valmet.

In game it has the basic features of tractor, exept it isn't washable since I wasn't happy with the dirt skin. It has also openable toolbox and a blind in front of the radiator which you can lift/lower. The rear linkage is fully animated and it has real sounds recorded from actual Valmet 359D.

Some specs:
Price: 4000 € / £ / $
Daily upkeep: 5 € / £ / $
Power: 37,5
Fuel tank: 30 liters

You can upload this to anywhere you like, just please make sure credits are correct! You can also use any part of this wihtout asking, but then again please give me a credit. Also, please don't make any "ridiculous" edits of this, since it is a very important tractor for me in real life. :)


Modell: Farmari99
Textures: Farmari99
In-Game: Farmari99
Scripts: GIANTS and Manuel Leithner
Also special thanks to Xentro for solving few problems!

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