Hello everyone,
Today I offer you the Wienhoff VTW 20200! A medium/big sized vacuum manure tank.We have converted the Wienhoff from FS2013 to FS2015.
(I've got premission from the original creators to release this convertion of the Wienhoff by Vertexdezign!)
What has been done:
-Re-ingamed for fs2015
-Model has been rebuilded for working dirt
-Created Specular textures
-Decals are updated
-Force Steering
Model: steyr1
Texture: Katsuo, L4Icce
Ingame: John Deere 6930
Script: John Deere 6930
Performance-Tuning: MadMax
Wheels & Tires: PES 4ever
Boby-2000 (Convertion)
Beunheas (Convertion, model rebuilding, texture rebuilding, dirt, finetuning)
Jantjetennis (Help, test)
We wish you a lot of fun with this mod in fs2015!!
Please use the original download link when uploading on other forums or facebook!!
Do not edit this mod and release it without premision of all the original authors!!
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