Map features:
- Beautiful Polish climate
- Manure v2
- Beautiful grounds
- 4 playable farms
- Purchase of cereals
- Purchase of straw
- Shop machines Agroma
- Gates open on the "about"
- Buildings which have never been in a ls
- Hens
- Cows
- Interesting sounds
- Long narrow field
- Small abandoned PGR
- Feeding cows at each barn on the economies
- Super Silo
- 3D Trees
- Every economy has a rash silage
- Sorry but only one (Original) farm can be filled cesspool
Thanks to:
- Pawlik, optimizations for maps
- LSF-and, by removing some errors in the log
- Users who podsyłali pictures on the texture of buildings
Many thanks for your help, gentlemen!
- Prohibition of removing buildings and their textures!
- Prohibition change the link!
- Prohibition konwertu to 15 fs!
- Prohibition edition!
Please download the original link! :)
Thank you and I wish you a nice game!
- 17 Downloads in
8 years ago
this is LS13!!!
Mapa jest do ls 13 !!!! Po za tym jest zakaz zmiany linku !!!
The map is a ls 13 !!!! After that, the prohibition of changing the link !!!
yyyyyy Pierdol się
TARKAWSKI TEAM jeśli to ty zrobiłeś tą mapę to szacun gram na niej już 100godzin jest zajebissta *****
ej wiesz jak karmic krowy na tej mapie?
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