1974 Dodge Monaco v1.0


Here for download I have a 1947 dodge Monaco. the car has working blinkers and turn lights and have a farmer. The car has a black steering wheel so the farmer can the farmer can move with the steering wheel. And the car does not get dirty and please dont reupload. And if you make a edit please message me on fs uk then i will message u back and ask if its okay if i upload for you just put you in the credits
The car has blinkers in the front of the grill on the bottom.


driver sf for the model
Mirandasman9497 for making it a fs2015 mod and fixing some issues
Racetime 911 for converting it over to fs2017
Walker 1234 for fixing the traffic collision and rescript the lights

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Commented on 2017-01-23 21:19:30

freaking sweet 74 Monaco a dukes of hazard patrol car, this car next to the lizard rodeo truck (painted white) & a general lee would be cool, add the sheriff decals & a light bar/siren to this one its hop pursuit i love it.

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Commented on 2017-01-24 10:21:08

And it was impossible to make a better conversion of the game driver san francisco?

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