2008 Dodge Ram Flatbed edit v1.0


This FS17 PC mod edit release is a 2008 Dodge Ram Flatbed, the truck was Blake McLains service truck that he had done.
Rico changed the bed from a service bed, to a flatbed. He put different tires and rims on the truck, added a pushbar and a toolbox.
There was a lift done to this truck edit, and he did some xml work on it too!
This FS17 PC mod edit release of a 2008 Dodge Ram Flatbed also has color and engine options, this came from the original mod from Blake McLain.


McLain Modding
Lambo mods

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Commented on 2018-02-22 21:33:44

mod video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT1aHaQKq44

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

cant hook up a gooseneck

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